Best Extreme Sports in the U.S.
Love extreme sports? Check out these adrenaline pumping extreme competitions & what thrill seekers are doing as a fun weekend activity!
Love extreme sports? Check out these adrenaline pumping extreme competitions & what thrill seekers are doing as a fun weekend activity!
What's the difference between a forged knife vs manufactured? We answer knife making FAQs and how to decide which knife options are right for you!
Ever considered how many popular knife sayings there are? We explore 10 knife quotes & knife sharpening sayings that you may not have heard before!
Heard the term knuckle dusters? You may know them as brass knuckles or knucks, but why are brass knuckles so popular? We explore the history & more now!
Knife traditions are ingrained into today's culture, but what about knife superstitions you might not know about? Explore unique knife beliefs now!
We're fortunate to have some of the best camping spots to enjoy the outdoors & time with loved ones. Here are 7 National Park camping locations you'll love!
Looking for the best places to climb? Check out these top 7 rock climbing destinations in the U.S. and start planning your outdoor adventure now!
Wondering how to carve a turkey? We provide step by step turkey carver tips, the best turkey carving knife & ways to serve your guests the perfect slice!
Choosing the best action movies is like choosing your favorite kid. Impossible! Do you agree with these best fight scenes, weapons & endings?
Pocket art isn't a new concept, but EDC custom knives by Louis Krudo is a game changer! Discover art trading cards, custom knives and ACEO now!