Becoming an aficionado involves more than just being a passionate fan. A cigar aficionado has gathered so much knowledge on all things cigar that others seek them out, looking for information on the best way to enjoy cigars, the finest accessories and the most unique items in the world of cigars. Cigar aficionados know it all because they love it all.
A cigar aficionado understands why cigars make life better, and where and how to enjoy them. Luxuriating with the finest cigars, they hold forth on all you should know about the finer things in cigar smoking.
Those “finer things” include the following popular cigar accessories. Don’t get caught firing up a stogie without them.
Cigar Rest: BONA FIDE
The BONA FIDE knuck, designed by Louis Krudo, provides you with a sophisticated way to rest your cigar. It’s made from titanium with smooth surfaces, open finger channels and a low profile. It’s a unique item with cutouts and curves that only Krudo could design. It also happens to double as a single knuck, but for novelty purposes only. Follow all laws in your area and remember to use the cigar rest only as a novelty item.
Cigar Cutter
Connoisseurs know that only the best will do when it comes to cutting your cigar tips because it impacts how the cigar smokes. When you’re ready to enjoy a quality cigar like the ones at GURKHA Cigars, a cigar aficionado may tell you that a single-blade guillotine will get the job done if you know how to handle it, but a double-bladed guillotine is the best choice for clean cuts. The handheld versions with finger holes work best. However, the coolness of an antique cutter passed down through generations trumps all these issues, especially if it’s unique and you know how to use it right.
Don’t light cigars with a disposable lighter. It’s just wrong. Cigar aficionados will steer you toward desk lighters that you keep on the desk in the room where you like to enjoy a smoke after dinner. Or, you can look for unique, collectible lighters from past eras, typically painted or engraved from a time when people prided themselves on the craftwork that went into making lighters.
Cigar Cases and Humidors
If you want to do cigars right, then you need a cigar case. This can go as far as your interest and budget allow. A discrete leather case that fits into the inside pocket of your jacket is a solid, stylish choice. But you can also get the Walt Street Smoker, a leather case that can carry your cigars, cutter, lighter and other accessories. A leather, three-finger case that fits into your travel kit is good to have on hand, as well.
As for humidors, you can spend as much as $1,000 or more to get the finest humidors for your home, although a solid humidor can be found for less if you’re an aficionado on a budget. The most expensive humidors ever sold goes as high as almost half a million dollars, including the Cohiba humidor carved like a tobacco leaf that was auctioned at the 2011 Habanos Festival in Havana.
Ashtrays double as art objects, so it’s important to have some discerning taste when picking one. Ceramic and metal ashtrays work if created with a stylish look. Marble ashtrays have more heft, durability and beauty. You can get ashtrays with a desk cutter affixed to it. Another good choice for enjoying cigars with a friend are double ashtrays that come in a variety of styles, including maple and oak. The main point is to get something stylish that fits your room’s decor.
Being (or becoming) a cigar aficionado is fun, especially if you’re doing it with friends. Take the time to find and buy quality cigar accessories. If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
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