We’ve all seen many things since 2020; the ups, the downs and the sideways. And if you are anything like us, you have only become more determined, more resilient and more resourceful. Being alive in this day and age calls for us to be vigilant, aware and educated in what matters. SNAG SM emerges from this time of great transition, but it remains solid in its focus. SNAG SM is a legacy design, ergonomic and sharp as $#!+ while remaining true to Louis Krudo’s original SNAG Folder, first designed over 20 years ago and brought into 1st production in 2008, 15 years ago.Louis Krudo is a journeyman. He is highly educated in many forms of martial arts. He didn’t do it for the colorful belts, certificates or accolades. Whether it is cage fighting in South America or teaching internationally or domestically, the art is simply who he is. The SNAG line up was born out of decades of acquired knowledge. SNAG SM is the latest iteration of the SNAG family tree, but yet is a stand-alone in its field.